Week 5: Wikis (or should that be wikies?)

Like so many Jaspers I don't rate Wikipedia as a reference tool, the way some mugs rely on it is enough to drive this shamus to the eel juice, however I've always found this variation to be very interesting (you probably won't be able to access it at the office), but that's not the point of this exercise (unfortunately). 
Wikis certainly act as a good wire, but I think their usefulness can be matched by online forums and applications such as Google Docs (but they'll have to wait untill week 8). 

P.S. I  noticed Luza won one of the July ipods. I also noticed that Luza made some clear threats on his/her blog in the event that he/she did not win an ipod. Therefore... 
Watch it Kelly I know a can opener, who for a pair of C notes will come round and play some chin music to make sure the ipod goes to the right gumshoe got it?


Princess Smutty said...

HEY! You leave my Luza ALONE!!!

Kelly said...

I sit here at my computer, trembling with fear. But.. Marlowe.. your threats are misplaced, please turn them instead to our illustrious leader Mirla who was present and officiating as I did the draw for the ipods.