Week 9:
Project Gutenberg is a nice concept. At first a thought it might be some attempt by Steve Guttenberg earn a living now that they aren't making any more Police Academy movies, but it seems to be quite charitable.
However the search engine wasn't very good. You can't specify date when conducting searches, and seacrhing amongst subject headings wasn't as easy as it should be.
3:22 PM | | 0 Comments
Week 9:
I've picked out this podcast for you to enjoy. It's about someone leading a similar life to me. It seems I'm not enough of a wise head to work out how to add the RSS feed directly to my blog, but I've added it to my Bloglines account.
These podcasts seem to be just the same as blogs to me, but I guess they're for people too lazy to read. There might be some that are OK but they seem to be far out weighed by the boring yapping of nobodies.
2:47 PM | | 0 Comments