Week 6: Tag you're it

I was siting in the office on the sixth floor of the Cahuenga Building and decided to treat myself to a steaming mug of cream of artificial flavouring soup. I started thinking about how easy it is for any two bit sleuth to find out information these days. Take these so called tagging set ups. Aparently any wise guy can put the finger on a particular website and tell their friends how great it is. Now this old fashioned gum-shoe may have been the subject to a few too many Brodericks, but I find there just isn't any substitution for a good old fashioned stake out. The proper search startegy will give you all the dope you'll ever need. I'm just not willing to trust any old shyster to try to sell me some info, and swear that it's all on the square.
Mind you if I wanted to make some sort of trip for biscuits to find someone to drink out of the same bottle with, then I suppose these rackets might not be such a bad idea. After all you try to pick up a skirt these days using any of the convetional methods and you're liable to find someone carrying a gat and end up wearing a wooden kimono.